Property Management Blog

Monday, June 12, 2017

Why You Should Invest in Residential Real Estate in Tampa

If you’re looking for an ideal place to invest in residential real estate, there are a few things that make Tampa a great place to buy. We have great weather out here and lots of water and plenty of things to do, which attracts a lot of people. Economic Growth in Tampa Our population is growing, thanks to a strong economy that&rs...

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Spring Season Preventative Maintenance Tips for Your Tampa Investment Property

In Florida, we have different concerns than those of you who have to fight through the winter every year. This is the season that we spend a lot of time preparing for; our storm season. Today, we’re sharing some preventative maintenance tips that you should take care of right now, before we find ourselves in the middle of summer....

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

What Type of Home Should I Invest In – Tampa Bay Market Advice

People often ask us what types of homes are good for investing in the Tampa Bay market. There are a lot of options and variety in this area, and at Dennis Property Management, we work in a number of cities and counties. We help our clients identify great investment opportunities in Hillsborough, Hernando, Pasco, and Pinellas counties. ...

Monday, August 8, 2016

How to Get my Tampa Bay Home Rent Ready

Before you can begin looking for a tenant and collecting rent, you need to get your rental property on the market and visible to prospective renters. Today, we’re talking about what you have to do in order to get your house rent ready. Pay Attention to Curb Appeal First, you want to look at the curb appeal. Stand back and look at ...

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

What is the Best Alarm System for my Tampa Bay Home?

Alarm systems are an important part of your tenant’s security as well the protection of your property. We have been asked several times asked about what type of alarm system should be used in a rental property. Today, we’re talking to owners, landlords, tenants, and anyone buying a new house about one great option that’...

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Dennis Property Management with Advanta on Using a Self-Directed IRA – Carl Stratton

  At Dennis Realty and Dennis Property Management, Broker, Carl Stratton and Director of Property Management, Lori Hendrix were excited to host an educational “Lunch and Learn” in our office, where we heard from Larissa Greene with Advanta IRA Services. She talked about self-directed IRAs and what you can do with these r...

Monday, June 22, 2015

Dennis Realty Partners with The Children’s Home of Tampa to Renovate Tennis Courts

Today, we’re sharing a project that Dennis Realty is really excited about. We do a lot of fundraising for The Children’s Home in Tampa. This is the oldest charity in the Tampa Bay area. It was established in 1892 and the organization tries to strengthen families in the area through a variety of programs. Many people know The...

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Buying Tampa Investment Property with Cash
Property Management Blog
At Dennis Realty, we were recently interviewed for a story on WTSP, Channel 10 News. We were asked to share our professional opinion on the demand for housing in the Tampa Bay area, particularly among cash buyers and investors. On our blog today, we want to share some of the information we provided to the reporters at Channel 10. Housing...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Landscape Maintenance and Rental Properties

While residents want to rent a nice looking home, they often have no interest, time, or knowledge on how to maintain the property. They may agree to landscape maintenance in the rental contract but it can be difficult for a property manager or owner to enforce. The owner can charge the tenant for maintenance or include landscape maintenan...

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